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Hello World: The suffering of modern web development

Sep 28, 2022 - 5 minutes read.

Update: You can view the source code for the website version referenced here: www-old

Finally, after coding for hours non-stop, and reading a lot of blogs while wishing to have my own, I can start mine. It is been a while since I have a website… probably around 10 years.

I enjoy lurking, it is how I am, creating text-based content was not something that I really had in mind in the last years.

Blogs are probably an overused type for a personal site, but who cares? Writing about random stuff sounds really fun!


I started coding this site around two weeks days ago, giving it about 2 to 4 hours of coding every day, looking back it is really over-engineered and probably not a great idea, but I really wanted to do an SPA (Single-page-App) there are a lot of tools to easily get a blog running, but I just did not want to take the easy path.

My own hand-crafted site, my original idea was to even create a JavaScript framework, but I ditched it immediately after realizing it was not that easy: state management, knowing when to re-render components. I wanted all. Of course, I gave up.

React is a really popular library, and it was my first components experience, it changed my way of thinking about UI completely but It has a big problem: over-head and bundle size.

For a while I was absent from web development and refused to use Node or Npm while just using Vanilla JavaScript for interaction code, having bad experiences with big libraries like JQuery and poor architecture.

Gray Scale Photo of Gears

Right now, the world is full of alternatives, pnpm as a package manager that does not create giant node_modules folders, light frameworks that prove to be mature keep the bundle small and lean, Vite instead of the tedious and slow webpack.

TypeScript also changed my mind, as it turned the unpredictable mess that JavaScript is into something that I can rely on.

The back-end is just a simple Express server wrote with TypeScript, using express.static for the SPA, at startup it loads markdown files into memory as Arrays of resources, to respond faster to requests. For routes that load files from the disk on demand, I took special care to protect it against directory transversal attack.

Today I finished writing the cache module: it would save the response on LocalStorage, while appending an expiry date, If the user requests a resource, the cache module will respond by first checking the expiry date, if its expired it will compare the sha-256 hash with the server, and use the cached resource if its still valid. This way it avoids transfering the resource over the network again.

The site works, it loads articles from the server that are Markdown text and renders them on the screen using my custom Svelte components with all the carefully added styling. It was great! Or so I thought..

Reflection and conclusion

As I stated in the first section of this article, I enjoy lurking, and that is what I did a lot of times while developing this project, taking those breaks and reading made a lot of things start clicking in my head.

Single page application for a blog was too much! It was re-inventing the wheel, creating requests, simulating routing, simulating load status, error status, not found page, a cache?!. Wake up myself! Any web browser had this already built-in!

Elephant Calf

Programming is really fun for me, and I got the original focus for the project lost over how entertained I was re-inventing everything I needed.

I was reading the phrases server-side rendering, “MPA” (multi-page application, or server-side routing) a lot of times, I was looking new frameworks emerge based on pure server-side routing.

It was like a joke to me, I was finally trying to be more modern and accept complex code run on the client as a normal thing, while all the world was turning back to the PHP era, but this time using JavaScript.

I decided to turn this site into a traditional website soon, breaking with all the unnecessary client-side code, Who knows? I might even use PHP.

Regardless of what I do, I learned a lot from this experience, and in the end, that is what I wanted.

Recommended reading

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